巫日文個展--春 秋 夢
開幕酒會:2009.2.14 (六)
地 址:台北市中山北路六段760號2樓
在目前的華人畫壇裡,鮮少以歷史人物為題材的畫作出現,巫日文在繼--對台灣曾經貢獻的人物做長達十年的田野調查「臉譜密碼」展出後,他再以探討歷史人物臉譜的創作為2009早春揭開序幕。 東西方世界的繪畫發展史上,均都有以人物為主的題材畫作出現,其內容都不乏帝王、功臣、聖賢文人或是以宗教神話為主的人物繪畫等,當時的畫家都為宗教或國家服務,千百年後留傳給後世,後世可藉由當時畫家的描繪,見識到當時的人物景像及各種不同形式題材的人物畫,留給觀者無窮的想像及它們所具有的歷史教育功能。 回到二十一世紀的此時,巫日文將這些歷史人物從他的想像裡再被重新創造出來,在造型上他以具象/抽象的表達方式賦予人物新的詮釋。人物不將再只是被單純的畫在平面空間裡,巫所創造出來的新造型符號,將人物隱身於符號之下,人物的造型依舊存在,但透過筆刷的變化將畫面做多面貌的呈現。這些歷史人物本就是「歷史」,他們是曾經存在的,但又已是過去的,巫以新語彙重新將這些人物做新的造型,畫面釋放出所謂的「巫式語言」。無論是經由筆刷所做出來的橫刷、直刷、半刷或是迴旋狀等筆觸,巫在人像畫作完成同時,再用筆刷做不同的變化運用在人物的臉譜上,形成歷史的/現代的一種對話,人物不再是我們所熟知的面貌,它用一種新世紀的表達方式正在與我們接上軌道。
Jhychen Wu Solo Exhibition - The Dream in Time Flow Date: Feb 11 – Mar 1, 2009Reception: 3pm-6pm, Feb 14 (Sat) 2009Curator: Emily ChouOrganizer: Gallery 41 Lili Art SpaceVenue: Lili Arts SpaceOpen Hours: Mon – Sun 11:30-21:00Address: 2F, No.760, Sec 6, Zhongshan N. RD., TaipeiTelephone: 02-28760798 There are hardly any Chinese artists nowadays who will make paintings of historical personages. After demonstrating his 10-year-long fieldwork on people who have made contributions to Taiwan through The Face Code, Wu presents works on exploring the face of historical personages again at the prelude of 2009. Portraits are very common in both Oriental and Western art. These include painting kings, nobles, sages, religious or mythological personages etc. Artists in olden days served either the religion or their countries and left their works for the later generations to see the people and scenes at the time of the artists and portraits in different styles from their works, giving audiences endless room for imagination and showing people the history education functions these works carry. Back to the XXI Century, Wu has re-created these historical personages from his imagination and re-defined these historical personages with representational and abstract expressions. As a result, these personages are no more objects on the tableau, because Wu has hidden them under a set of new symbols he created. Though these personages remain unchanged, they are presented in a multidimensional change in brushing. These historical personages are part of "history", because they existed in the past. Wu re-shapes these old personages with new vocabulary known as the "Wu's language". Horizontal, vertical, semi or spiral brushing, Wu prefers making changes to the personage's face with brushes after painting it, forming a kind of discourse between history and modernity. Instead of the faces with which we are familiar, they are connecting with us in the expressions of the new age.
斯依畫廊 Gallery 41+886-2-87860400
Lili藝術空間 Lili Arts Space
台北市中山北路六段760號760, Sec.6, Zhongshan N. RD., Taipei +886-2-28760798